Help Mustangs & Burros In Holding Find Their Forever Home
At the Mustang Heritage Foundation, we are leading the charge to end the need for off range holding for mustangs and burros. And, we firmly believe it will take the mustang and burro community working together to make it happen.
As Helen Keller famously said, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”
Here’s how you can help wild horses and burros in holding find a loving, forever home:
The Mustang Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)3 IRS-approved charity.
Why does that matter? In addition to helping mustangs and burros, your giving could mean tax-savings for you or your business.
"Prior to adopting Flint from a local trainer, I rode OTTBs and purpose-bred warmbloods for English sports.
I never thought I would have a second heart horse, but Flint has completely changed the direction of our farm.
We've now gentled over 10 wild horses and 3 burros. My kids compete in mustang challenges, and my husband adopted his own mustang. We travel to events to promote these amazing animals!"
~ Melinda Soethe

Mustang Heritage Foundation Membership
Join a supportive and passionate community of mustang and burro fans with Mustang Heritage Foundation membership.
With varying levels of membership starting as low as $25/year, we have someone for everyone who wants to support our work.
*Membership is required for all program and competition participants.
One-Time or Recurring Gift
Through the convenience of online giving, you can easily make a one-time gift to support the work of the Mustang Heritage Foundation. You also have the option to become a monthly donor to the Mustang Heritage Foundation.
Prefer to mail a check?
Mail to:
Mustang Heritage Foundation
P.O. Box 290003 525 Royal Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37229-9715

Planned Giving
As part of your estate planning, you can leave a legacy for the American mustangs and burros.
Planned giving options are varied and may include:
Will or Trust
Charitable Gift Annuity
Stock & Mutual Fund
Giving IRA / Retirement Account
Asset-Based Giving
With effective and strategic planning, you can continue to support American mustangs and burros beyond your lifetime.
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer a gift-match program for charitable contributions. That means, for every dollar you give to the Mustang Heritage Foundation it could be doubled through a matching gift program.
Check with your employer and then get in touch with the Mustang Heritage Foundation and we’ll provide what they need to match your donation.

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